Pilots best practice

Just some musings during a period of none flying so I thought I’d write them down for posterity? any critique welcome!?

Pilot Conduct

As accomplished Pilots it is the expectations of the club that we take the following or similar actions prior to commencement of our flying activities as part of ‘best practice’ and etiquette.
Note, there is no longer a requirement to notify local RAF Stations of our flying activities as CANP supersedes this.

Prior to arrival at Challow

1. Weather check, check that the weather is suitable to your planned task, if it is not make another plan.
2. Check Notam activity for the local area and the area of your planned task, re-plan as necessary.
3. Raise CANP action as required (this may already have been done by another pilot). See Challow CANP instructions.
4. Plan your task and ensure someone knows the details of your proposed task.
5. Prepare your equipment for the proposed task, – Nav aides, fuel, maintenance etc.
6. Use Whatsapp to notify other pilots of your plans.

Arrival at Challow

1. Park at Challow as per the parking advice given in the Operating Procedures. Do Not Park under the proposed flight path for landing or take off. Anticipate wind shifts and park accordingly.
2. Assess the wind conditions ensuring the wind strength and direction is consistent with your task. Re-plan as necessary.
3. If you are first at the field make sure that you have notified the club (on Whatsapp) that the field is active.
4. Let the club know of your flight plan if any changes are made to it.

Pre Flight

1. Prepare yourself and your equipment in a careful and timely manner. Do not interrupt any other pilot carrying out his pre-flight checks.
2. Only ‘ground start’ your engine when it is on your back. And in a safe place. Make sure it is fully warmed up., has sufficient fuel for your task and is operating correctly.
3. Unpack and pre-flight your wing out of the way of the take off and landing area.
4. When ready walk the proposed take off route making sure there are no obstacles on which to trip during take off.
5. Set out your equipment paying regard to other flyers doing the same and those already taking off or landing. Use all available room for your take off.
6. When ready to take off make sure that the field and sky are clear for you to do so.
7. Conduct your flight in all other respects as dictated in the Operating Procedures.

Tony Hawkins

Tony Hawkins aspiring sensible flyer and often times commitee member, currently looking after Safety matters.

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