CANP Process
New process for Challow Paramotor Club, effective 11 May 2020
With the inclusion of Challow Field on air charts published on or after 2020 we should be visible to other air users both in General and Military aviation at least in their flight planning stages.
As a further aide to notifying these air users of our activities we have ceased the practice of informing local RAF stations as part of our field activation process and replaced it with CANP activation where appropriate.
CANP is the Civil Aircraft Notification Procedure. The procedure was primarily designed to warn military low flying aircraft of flying activities that may conflict, but in 2014 the system was expanded so that CANPs are now published as NOTAMs. This can allow civilian as well as military pilots to see when we are operating if we choose to use it.
CANP action occurs much faster than the normal NOTAM request procedure, so it can be used by ourselves who are particularly reliant on small weather windows of opportunity in which to fly. However preplanning is still required.
It is our expectation that a CANP actioned by a club member made the evening before a proposed flying activity (by 8pm) would be visible to the GA and Military community during the next working day in the form of a NOTAM.
For weekend activity a request will need to be raised during working hours on the preceding Friday.
To make it easy for club members to use this system there is a page on our website containing the CANP site activation form (visible to members who are logged in). This can be found under ‘Pilots’ menu and has all the relevant info already filled in, bar the date of the proposed activity. On filling in these remaining details the CANP request will be emailed from this page with out fuss.
The page is intelligent enough to prevent repeat applications and all club members will be notified by email that a CANP request has been made which will state a NOTAM number.
The application will also be logged on the website, on receipt of the email you will see the NOTAM in your favourite NOTAM APP
A CANP notice is particularly important during the normal working week as this is where the majority of military flying takes place, however the military have been known to work weekends as well!
A CANP should be put in by any club member when:
- It is the expectation that a number of flyers will be present.
- On weekends where flying opportunities may be high.
- During training activities conducted by the school.
- During any club planned activity where flying activity is expected to take place.
For independent flying where only a small number of Pilots are active CANP action is not required unless one or more of the Pilots would like the extra protection CANP action affords.